7 Common Mistakes People Make Before and After Filing Chapter 13

With a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you agree to repay your debts on a plan established by the courts. But even though you usually won't need to sell assets with a Chapter 13 case, you'll still have to complete paperwork and submit documents to the court.

When filing any type of bankruptcy, it's important to dot all your i's and cross your t's. Missing even one small detail can put your filing in jeopardy. These tips will help ensure you don't miss anything before, during, and after your filing.

The Craig Black Law Firm offers a personalized approach to helping clients with bankruptcy. When you call my office, I'll personally take your call. If you're ready to discuss filing bankruptcy, call 678-888-1778 or complete this online form.

Common Pre-Filing Mistakes

Bankruptcy is a big decision, and it's one you likely won't take lightly. Here are some common mistakes people make during the planning process.

  • Not consulting a lawyer: Yes, you can file for bankruptcy without the help of an attorney, but an experienced legal professional can help you navigate the entire process.
  • Choosing the wrong type: Chapter 13 has you repaying your debts on a payment plan, while Chapter 7 discharges your debts altogether. You may be stuck with repaying bills you can't afford under Chapter 13, while you could regret giving up most of your assets in Chapter 7.

Common Filing Mistakes

The filing process can be stressful. It's important to make sure you thoroughly review the paperwork, especially if you don't have an attorney reviewing everything. Here are some common Chapter 13 filing mistakes.

  • Omitting creditors: As part of your filing, you'll be asked to list all your creditors. If you accidentally eliminate one, that creditor won't be notified, and you'll be expected to continue paying the bill.
  • Not following filing procedures: Your local court will have requirements for filing, including documents you'll have to complete and submit. If you miss a section or document, your case could be delayed.

Common Post-Filing Mistakes

Even after the court has ruled on your case, mistakes are possible. These common post-filing errors can be particularly damaging.

  • Straying from the repayment plan: The court expects you to pay your bills as agreed upon in the repayment plan. If you miss a payment, the court could remove your bankruptcy protection.
  • Not following court orders: In addition to the repayment plan, some financial education will typically be required. If you don't keep up with these classes, you'll put your bankruptcy at risk.

How the Craig Black Law Firm Can Help

The Craig Black Law Firm can help you with each step of the filing process, from deciding whether to file in the first place to helping with post-bankruptcy creditor issues. If bankruptcy seems like a viable option for you, give me a call at 678-888-1778. You can also complete my confidential online form, and I'll get in touch.